
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Modify Guarantors or Collateral

This option is used when you need to modify Guarantor or collateral for various Client Loans. For example, when one of the guarantors changes physical address which has to be updated so as to easily locate the guarantor in case of default in payment of a loan by a client.

A guarantor may also choose to withdraw his guarantee to a borrower that may need replacement of a guarantor for the client or there may arise a need to add another guarantor who may not have been captured in the loan guarantor details earlier. This can be done in this menu..

How to Modify Guarantors or Collateral

To Modify Guarantors or Collateral you go to loans\Modify Guarantors or Collateral. A screen like one below appears:

Related Topics

  • You should be able to see this updated Loan Guarantors and Collaterals under Portfolio Reports/Guarantors and Collateral Report

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